Preface: If you
haven't read this post yet, then you are going to have no idea what the hell is going on. Click the hotlink, read that, then your opinion of how stupid this is will really matter.
NHL Headquarters, Somewhere in Toronto, Last Week
*Knock* *knock*
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NHL Grand Master Gary Bettman: Yes, thou art
welcome in mine quarters.
(Steward Bill de Daly enters solar chambers)
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Bill de Daly: Greetings, Master Bettman. How does this day find you?
Bettman: Not so
well, kind steward. For thou see,
there art cracks in our once impenetrable sallyport.
Daly: Sir, I just came through the sallyport. Twas nothing....
Bettman: Silence, thou fool! I do not mean the literal sallyport, I speak of our
plans. For thee see, the knights
of Phoenix will soon be forced from their lodgings by our men, and sent
Daly: Where, my Lord?
I have already quoth they will not move, and I shall not requite thee
wishes. I had four messengers
clubbed for fabricating lies.
Those men cannot surely speak truth?
Bettman: No, but
you see, the men of Phoenix WILL move, and do so as quick that sparks will fly
from stones after them. The
Quebecers want the refugees in exchange for millions of pounds, their excess of
burnished gold, and thousands of hides throughout the whole of the Quebecian
Daly: I
misunderstand thee...
Bettman: They art constructing a new Knight’s Hall for the men
of Phoenix. We plan to send those men to Quebec, for we can no longer expect
decent tax collection from their current estate. We shalt collect the offering of the Quebecers in exchange.
Daly: I beseech thee, my Lord, this is not right. The commoners will find out. They will
call ye unstable! They will riot!
They will worry for their safety, and see ye head on a pike!
SCOFF!!! So help me He that
sitteth on high, ‘twas not my errand to worry on commoners and their petty
bickering! I placed men in the
Spanish stronghold of Miami. At
first all spoke of me as a fool, but now they call me a genius. I sent men from Ford de Hart and
Winnipeg to the southern fiefdoms, and now they hail me as a king! The commoners do not burden me. Tis those villages without knights art
mine burden. They continue to
build grand halls in hopes of getting their own cavalry, but we do not have the
manpower to expand our forces.
Thus, the lords of these villages can cause unrest amongst other lords
with men at their disposal. We
need a diversion, something to keep everyone satisfied, while making a move to
Daly: We could
trick these marshals, these so-called “owners.” Then we could steal the knights away to Quebec.
Bettman: Thou art
the wisest in the world, indeed!
Daly: What art
thou most troublesome fiefs, my Lord?
Bettman: Well,
those that cause trouble the most seek to build, or have built, new
Daly: Thou art
refer to Seattle?
Bettman: Ah, yes, Seattle.
Now that’s a fine burgage.
The moneylender Christopher d’Hansen has a new hall he wishes to place
men in, though these men be of great stature. We need not do much to appease him. Alert their local propaganda machine,
for widespread news of a possible protective force will make him glad.
(Daly sends a letter to KING 5 in Seatte. Quoth KING 5: “We want the NBA”.)
Daly: Who art
else? What of Jim Balsillie
Bettman: Ah, yes, a
tragic tale, his. I banished him
to the oubliette weeks ago. Too troublesome, was he. If you remember, a similar plan years ago, to appease the
burg of Hamilton? Thee broke our covenant, thee was recreant in doing so. Thee went too far. If we are not careful, the same thing
will happen in Saskatoon. Laugh
will I at the thought of my knights in Saskatoon...
But, one fief is troublemsome to the stability of my rule. City de Kansas.
Daly: City de Kansas?
Art thou foolish? Explain
ye reasons.
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Bettman: Lord
Leiweke owns a hall in that realm.
Many fortnights before, we embarked on a night of merrymaking; there is
something that Lady Bettman must not know about, something that only Lord
Leiweke swears not to tell. That
is why I gifted him the cavalry in City de Angels. He is a great foe, and I must continue to please him. I need not say more... summon him AT
(Sir de Daly summons Lord Tim Leiweke)
(Time passes)
(Lord Tim Leiweke enters the Great Hall of NHL Headquarters
on horseback)
Lord Leiweke: WWWAAAATTTTTT UUUUPPPPP, bros, joes, and coooo-missioners?!?!?!?!
Bettman: I summon ye to
discuss a matter of deep importance, and I ask of thou and I to enter into a
Lord Leiweke:
Sure, brah, I can do you a solid.
But, remembs, you have to come out here and shred hardcore with me,
dude! We had a deal when I bought
the Kings.
Bettman: (Sighs)
All that ever I promised, that shall I keep with good will. My truth on it. Now, Sir Leiweke...
Bettman: Nay, I beg
thee pardon?
Leiweke: It’s
“Hollywood”, bro. I’m totes lax
with names and shiz. All of my
peeps are down with it.
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Bettman: Okay, Sir...
um, Hollywood. Do you recall the
hall ye constructed in City de Kansas?
Yeeeaaaa, bro. Imma just
waitin’ for it to be stocked with some cool bros...and brews! Ha ha you know I be pullin’ yer dangle,
my man. But, for reals, when you gonna hook me up with an army? That’d be off the Richter!
Bettman: That is
why I summoned thee. The knights
of Phoenix may go without homes soon, and I think ye hall in City de Kansas
will provide suitable residence for them.
Art thou willing to accept this undertaking, provided it is offered?
Sure, dude. I mean, Ol’ Sly
Fox ain’t too keen on bringin’ in a bunch of posers, but it’s whateves. Anything for you, King Betts.
Bettman: Please
refer to me as Grand Master Bettman.
Word, yo.
Bettman: Okay,
sir. Now to our covenant.
Lay it on me.
Bettman: Relay the
message I have told ye. Tell
everyone in the City de Kansas the words of our meeting.
That’s it? Hell, dude, you
know me, I’ll let the bros know.
It’s all radical, KB. You
can count on me.
Bettman: Now, thank
you for this above all else, sir knight.
Thou art dismissed.
Hold on, let me try something before I bounce.
(Recites opening paragraphs of “Sir Gawain and the Green
WHOOAAAA!!!! Totally righteous, huh?!?! Just a little somethin’ I picked up
from the dudes down at the chapel.
Y’all certainly have a twisted way of talkin’. Peace OOOUUUTTTTT!!!!!!!
(Tim “Hollywood” Leiweke leaves)
Daly: Do ye
think thy great words hath fooled him?
Bettman: Of course!
He is but lord in name only, and does not understand our way. Besides, much of his riches have been
made from acrobats and jesters filling his many halls, and not from any
fighting force. He is a wretched
man, a mere scullion, but one I must appease.
(NHL messenger Sir Darren-Dreger d’TSN bursts into the
Bettman: Oh look,
my loyal messenger. Light thee
down, and profess thy news.
Sir d’TSN: My Lord, I and my fellow messengers hath
spread word throughout the kingdom of ye wish to replace the Phoenix knights to
the fiefs of Quebec, Seattle, and City de Kansas. Alas, the new hall in Quebec has caused much distress among
the people of the latter two burgs.
Word has spreadt throughout thy kingdom that you favor Quebec, and...
Bettman: Sir Daly!
Go, now, and spread the word to the people that we knowst nothing about
this new hall, nor do we care.
Daly: Yes, my
(Daly leaves)
Sir d’TSN: Is there anything else thou needs?
Bettman: Yes, have the men ready the trebuchet. I have a meeting with the NHLPA
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